
Figure 10. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 over 2D carbon-based materials. (A) TEM images of nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbons. (B) FEs of various products vs. potential over nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon electrodes. (C) Schematic illustration of CO2 electro-reduction over nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon electrodes. (D) DFT calculations of the electro-reduction of CO2 to ethanol over different pyrrolic N sites[156]. (E) Free-energy diagrams of CO2 electro-reduction over different N species[157]. (F) Magnified high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy image of In/NC. (G) Fourier transform of In K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectra of different In-based catalysts. (H) Long-term stability of CO2 electro-reduction over In/NC[160]. 2D: 2-dimensional; TEM: transmission electron microscopy; FE: Faradaic efficiency; DFT: density functional theory.