
Figure 5. (A,B) [RuII(bpy)3] encapsulated in pores of FJI-Y2 MOF (highlighted as yellow atoms) and the interactions between the FJI-Y2 MOF ligands and [RuII(bpy)3] cations. (C) Cooperative catalysis mechanism of NDI radical and [RuII(bpy)3] photocatalyst via a SET pathway. This figure is used with permission from Elsevier[125]. (D) Atomic-resolution TEM image of R-WO3 nanosheets. (E) ESR spectra of D-WO3 and R-WO3. (F) Simulated differential charge density for O2 chemisorbed at a CUS W site of defective WO3. This figure is used with permission from the American Chemistry Society[126]. MOF: Metal-organic frameworks; NDI: naphthalenediimide; SET: single electron transfer; ESR: electron spin resonance.