From: Nanostructured heterogeneous photocatalyst materials for green synthesis of valuable chemicals

Figure 4. (A,B) STEM images of p-BWO before and after electron beam bombardment. (C) Photo-oxidation rate of toluene for Bi2WO6 and p-BWO at different substrate loadings. (D) Photocatalytic cleavage of β-O-4 bond in lignin model compound (PP-ol). (E) Energy-band positions and photocatalytic performances of CdS with different sizes. (F) Photocatalytic conversion of PP-ol by several typical semiconductors. (G) Reusability of CdS NPs and CdS QDs under visible light irradiation. This figure is used with permission from Nature Publishing Group[121,122]. NPs: Nanoparticles; QDs: quantum dots.