From: Nanostructured heterogeneous photocatalyst materials for green synthesis of valuable chemicals

Figure 2. (A,B) In situ STM images (2.7 × 2.7 nm) of EG adsorbed on pristine rutile (110) before and after irradiation. (C,D) In situ STM images (15 × 15 nm) of EG adsorbed on Au on rutile (110) before and after irradiation. This figure is used with permission from Elsevier[96]. (E-G) TEM images of shaped TiO2 showing tunable selectivity in glycerol conversion. (H) SEM image of the Bi2WO6 catalyst and proposed mechanism for selective oxidation of glycerol under visible-light irradiation. This figure is used with permission from the Royal Society of Chemistry[97,100]. EG: Ethylene glycol.