
Figure 13. (A) Reaction path for the photoconversion of nitroaromatic compounds. (B,C) Light-tuned selective photosynthesis of azo- and azoxy-aromatics from nitrobenzene reduction using g-C3N4. (D) TPD spectra revealing the desorption of Hads from g-C3N4 and A-g-C3N4 surfaces. This figure is used with permission from a Creative Commons Attribution License[191]. (E) HRTEM image of the solid base Bi24O31Br10(OH)δ photocatalyst. (F) Basicity comparison of Bi24O31Br10(OH)δ, BiOBr, and g-C3N4 by CO2-TPD. (G) Photocatalytic selective nitrobenzene conversion under solar irradiation. This figure is used with permission from the American Chemistry Society[48]. TPD: Temperature-programmed desorption.