From: Nanostructured heterogeneous photocatalyst materials for green synthesis of valuable chemicals

Figure 12. (A) ΔE(ArCH2•) as a function of ΔE(Br) for the screening of metal cocatalysts for photocatalytic dehalogenative coupling of benzyl bromide (the numbers in parentheses are ΔE(Hads) of the corresponding metals). (B) Photocatalytic benzyl bromide coupling using a series of selected metals supported on TiO2. This figure is used with permission from the American Chemistry Society[187]. (C) Picture of molecular adsorption on CNs. (D) T1/T2 ratio of different moieties of perfluorohexyl iodide in various CN-based materials. This figure is used with permission from American Association for the Advancement of Science[188].