From: Nanostructured heterogeneous photocatalyst materials for green synthesis of valuable chemicals

Figure 10. (A) g-C3N4 coupled with AQ(-COOH) for photocatalytic hydrogen peroxide generation under solar light irradiation. (B) XPS spectra of C1s on AQ(-COOH), g-C3N4, and g-C3N4/AQ(-COOH). This figure is used with permission from Elsevier[160]. (C) Solar-to-chemical conversion efficiency of PCN, PCN_Na15, and Sb-SAPC15 under AM 1.5 illumination for H2O2 production. (D) TEM image of the Sb-SAPC15 (Scale bar, 2 nm). (E) Raman spectra recorded during photoreaction in isopropanol solution with saturated oxygen. This figure is used with permission from Nature Research[161]. XPS: X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.