
Integrative multi-omics analysis for identifying novel therapeutic targets and predicting immunotherapy efficacy in lung adenocarcinoma

Figure 4. Identification of WGCNA hub modules in epithelial convolution cells of LUAD. (A) Analysis of scale-free topology index and mean connectivity analysis for various soft threshold powers; (B) Identification of co-expression gene modules: the dendrogram branches into 17 distinct modules, each represented by a unique color; (C) Heatmap showing the correlation between modules and trait gene sets, including gene significance and corresponding P-values; (D) Scatter plot illustrating the correlation between module membership and gene significance for the turquoise module. WGCNA: Weighted Gene Co-expression Network Analysis; LUAD: landscape of lung adenocarcinoma; DC: dendritic cells.

Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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