Figure 3. A schematic presentation of different branches/subtypes of CAFs in lung cancer CAFs. Single-cell RNAseq analysis revealed heterogeneity of CAFs in NSCLC. Kim et al. identified different branches of CAFs[150], including immunosuppressive, ApCAFs, myCAFs, and proliferative CAFs. Hu et al. introduced three subtypes with various HGF and FGF expression levels[151]. Five unique CAFs were found in Lambrechts’s investigation; one was categorized as non-malignant fibroblasts[152]. CAFs: Cancer-associated fibroblasts; NSCLC: non-small cell lung cancer; ApCAFs: antigen-presenting CAFs; myCAFs: myofibroblast-like CAFs; HGF: hepatocyte growth factor; FGF: fibroblast growth factor.