Figure 2. Differential gene expression of 12 mitochondrial respiratory chain genes. All CDDP-resistant (H12.1 ODM, 1411HP, 1777NRpmet, 2102EP Cis) were compared against control Hs1.Tes and each sensitive (H12.1, 2102EP and NTERA-2) TGCT cell lines. The graphical arrangement always follows a combination of the control cell line Hs.1 Tes, TGCT sensitive line and its resistant pair (H12.1/H12.1 ODM, 2102EP/2102EP Cis, NTERA-2/NTERA-2 Cis), and two metastatic resistant lines (1411HP, 1777NRpmet), which do not have their own parental cell line. The seminomatous pair T-cam/T-cam Cis was compared separately. Data are presented as mean relative mRNA expression (2-ΔCt) from three technical and three biological replicates. Error bars represent SD. *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01; ***P ≤ 0.001. TGCT: Testicular germ cell tumors; CDDP: cisplatin; Hs1.Tes: control cell line; 1411HP, 1777NRpmet: intrinsically resistant TGCT cell lines; H12.1/H12.1ODM, 2102EP/2102EP Cis, NTERA-2/NTERA-2 Cis: non-seminomatous TGCT cell line pairs (sensitive/resistant).