Figure 3. Fra-1 induces chemoresistance in GC cells by activating the PPP pathway. (A-D) Cell proliferation ability of GC cells after overexpression/silencing of Fra-1, treatment with PPP metabolism pathway inhibitor 6AN (4 μM), and treatment with different concentrations of CDDP detected using the CCK8 kit; (E-H) Cell proliferation ability of GC cells after overexpression/silencing of Fra-1 and treatment with 6AN (4 μM), and treatment with CDDP (10 μM) detected using the EDU cell proliferation assay kit; (I) Statistical graph of semi-quantitative results of EDU fluorescence values of GC cells. All experiments were performed with three technical replicates. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001. Fra-1: Fos-related antigen-1; GC: gastric cancer; PPP: pentose phosphate pathway; CDDP: cisplatin; CCK8: cell counting kit-8; EDU: 5-ethynyl-2’-deoxyuridine.