
Figure 5. (A) Schematic illustration of supramolecular nanoparticle for inhibiting pump-mediated drug resistance; (B) Cell viability of HepG2/MDR1 cells treated with β-CD-g-(PEG-v-PNIPAAm)7, PTX, and β-CD-g-(PEG-v-PNIPAAm)7/PTX at different temperatures; (C) Changes in cell viability of HepG2/MDR1 cells treated with different doses of PTX and β-CD-g-(PEG-v-PNIPAAm)7/PTX; (D) Tumor growth inhibition curves of tumor-bearing mice after various treatments (*P < 0.05). This figure is quoted with permission from Fan et al.[88]. CD: Cyclodextrin; MDR1: multidrug resistance gene; PEG: poly (ethylene glycol); PTX: paclitaxel.