Figure 4. Tumor vasculature development and vessel tortuosity using photoacoustic imaging. (A) Volume-rendered 3-D photoacoustic image of a LS174T subcutaneous tumor (day 8 post inoculation) with arrows indicating artery-vein pairs. (B) Top: Maximum intensity projection (MIP) of the image presented in (A). The insets show magnified y-zy-z and x-yx-y MIPs of a region containing a small blood vessel. Bottom: Profiles across this vessel between points A-B and C-D were plotted and fitted with a Gaussian function to obtain spatial resolution. (C) Photoacoustic images of a larger SW1222 subcutaneous tumor (day 12 post-inoculation) illustrating an imaging depth of at least 9 mm. Figure reproduced with permission from[250].