Figure 5. Generation of CD44-ICD-EGFP plasmid constructs and transfecting into PC3 cells. A: a schematic diagram of CD44 domains is provided; B: a schematic diagram of constructs generated is shown. Full-length CD44-ICD (FL) and deletion constructs of CD44-ICD (D1-D5) were generated in EGFP vector. Numbers in the figure indicate the amino acid (aa) sequence for each construct; C: immunoblotting analysis using anti-GFP antibody is shown. Immunoblotting with a GAPDH antibody was used as a loading control. GFP/ICD fusion proteins of different sizes and GFP (~27-29 kDa) are indicated in Figure C; D: Phase contrast micrograph shows the morphology of PC3 cells transfected with indicated CD44-ICD-constructs and EGFP vector as well as untransfected PC3 cells. Magnification 100X. CD44: Cluster of differentiation 44; ICD: intracellular domain