
Enhanced Kat3A/Catenin transcription: a common mechanism of therapeutic resistance

Figure 3. Differential Kat3 coactivator usage. A: ICG-001 specifically disrupts the interaction between CBP and β-catenin. This leads to increased p300/β-catenin transcription, a loss of the capacity to self-renew and the initiation of differentiation; B: β-catenin differential coactivator usage regulates differentiation versus self-renewal. β-catenin usage of either CBP or p300 leads to transcriptional activation of genes that are critical for self-renewal or differentiation respectively; C: IQ-1, ID8 (indirectly), and YH 249/250 (directly) disrupt the p300/β-catenin interaction. Selectively antagonizing the p300/β-catenin interaction enhances CBP/β-catenin transcription thereby favoring self-renewal

Cancer Drug Resistance
ISSN 2578-532X (Online)


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