
Figure 1. Nef augments the antiproliferative activity of Dox. Bar graph representing the inhibition of A549 and A549/Dox cell viability using: A: Dox alone; B: combination of Nef and various concentrations of Dox administrated at the same time for 48 h; C: comparing the cytotoxic effect of Dox alone and Nef and Dox in combination; D: normalized isobologram showing additive/synergistic interaction between Nef and Dox. Each bar represents the mean ± SEM of 3 experiments and *** represents P < 0.01 or ** represents P < 0.05; E: photomicrograph of cultured A549 and A549/Dox cells comparing the cytomorphology and post-treatment morphologic changes after Dox only or Nef and Dox combined treatment (Magnification 100×). Nef: Neferine; Dox: Doxorubicin