![Pharmacogenetics of thiopurines](
Figure 2. Thiopurine pathway. MP: mercaptopurine; MMP: methyl-mercaptopurine; TIMP: thioinosine monophosphate; Me-TIMP: methyl-thioinosine monophosphate; TGDP: thioguanine diphosphate; TGMP: thioguanine monophosphate; TGTP: thioguanine triphosphate; TITP: thioinosinetriphosphate; Me-TITP: methylthioinosinetriphosphate; TGN: thioguanine nucleotide; TU acid: thiouric acid; TXMP: thioxantine monophosphate; AZA: azathioprine; IMPDH: Inosine-5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase; ITPA: inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase; GMPS: GMP synthase; GST: glutathione-transferase; NUDT15: nucleotide triphosphate diphosphatase gene; PACSIN2: Protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons protein 2; TPMT: thiopurine methyltransferase; XO: xanthine oxidase. Hatched arrow indicates the infleunce of PACSIN2 on TPMT gene expression and TPMT activity