
Figure 6. Increased levels of WT1_206067_s_at probeset expression in MLL-R+ infant B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) vs. normal samples for both steroid sensitive and resistant subsets of Infant B-linage ALL patients. A: Expression of WT1 probeset, 206067_s_at that were log2 transformed and RMA-normalized were compared for 24 MLL-R+ infants with B-lineage ALL that were steroid-resistant, 19, 24 MLL-R+ infants with B-lineage ALL that were steroid- sensitive (GSE32962) vs. 74 normal control samples (mean and standard errors depicted in the bar chart); B: a 3 factor Mixed Model Analysis of Variance analysis was utilized to compare the expression of the WT1_206067_s_at