
Figure 3. Augmented expression of WT1 in cytogenetically distinct B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) subsets. Increased levels of WT1 expression in ALL subsets compared to normal samples from the in-house database. Gene expression profiling data utilizing the Affymetrix Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Array from the robust multi-array analysis (RMA) normalized in-house database were interrogated for WT1 expression in ALL samples relative to normal non-leukemic healthy bone marrow samples. A: Log2 transformed RMA values for the WT1 probeset, 206067_s_at in ALL subsets are depicted using mean and standard error values presented in the bar chart. ALL with MLL-R exhibited the highest expression levels for WT1. Sample sizes for t(9;22), t(8;14), t(12;21), t(1;19), MLL-R+, Hyperdiploid, Non-leukemic healthy BM were 123, 13, 58, 61, 95, 68 and 74 respectively; B: one way ANOVA was performed across 7 subgroups of ALL cases in the in-house database and statistical significance was assessed utilizing linear contrasts of each subgroup vs. nonleukemic control samples, and for MLL-R+ subgroup vs. the other B-lineage ALL subgroups combined. Depicted are the mean values fold differences in expression and the corresponding P-values