
Figure 5. Representation of the CD22ΔE12 signature transcriptome in primary leukemia cells from relapsed BPL patients. The 57-gene mouse CD22ΔE12-KI transcriptome was represented by 183 probesets on the human U133 Plus 2.0 Array The RMA-normalized gene expression values for leukemia cells from 76 BPL patients in relapse (GSE28460, GSE18497) were log2 transformed and mean-centered to the average value for the 474 new diagnosis samples (GSE11877, GSE13351, GSE28460, GSE7440). Heat map depicts up and down regulated transcripts ranging from red to green respectively for expression values mean centered to diagnosis samples and clustered according to average distance metric. Forty-two signature genes represented by 77 probesets that were differentially expressed in 76 relapsed BPL patients with P < 0.0001 (37 genes represented by 70 probesets were upregulated). The cassette of 183 probesets were significantly up regulated in relapsed patients (Mixed Model ANOVA, F1,548 = 104, P < 0.00001) [Supplementary Table 2]