
Figure 1. Results of complete partial least squares analysis performed on 5000 bootstrap samples. Path coefficients and loadings (with P values) are shown. White figures within the circles indicate percentage of variance explained. The ApoE4 allele, age, sex, and education are input variables and symptomatome data are output variables with cognitive data mediating the effects of the input on the output variables. CCL: calculation (calc), clock, expressive language (ExpLan); CERAD: a latent vector extracted from various CERAD scores including BNT (Boston Naming Test), ConPrax (Constructional Praxis), Recall (CPRecall), VFT (Verbal Fluency Test), WLRecog (Word List Recognition), WLM (Word List Memory), and (WLRecall); ADL_Orient: activities of daily living and orientation, comprising the Blessing Dementia Scale Part a (BDSa), SBT (Short Blessing Test), and C1 orientation; Behavior: Behavior Rating Scale for Dementia subdomains, including depressive features (depr), defective self-regulation (beh), irritability/agitation (I/A), vegetative features (veget), and inertia/apathy (inert). Mem_Lang: C1 clinical history items, including memory and language (Lang); Social: C1 clinical items, including social activities, judgment and problem solving, and other cognitive problems.