
Figure 3. (A) Arterial phase CT scan demonstrates a 2.5-cm heterogeneous enhancing lesion at segment VII (arrow); (B) Selective catheterization into the right hepatic artery branch shows a hypervascular lesion (arrow); (C) Cone-beam CT scan confirms the feeder and coverage area; (D) 99mTc-MAA SPECT/CT image shows the accumulation of MAA in the right hepatic lobe, with the most prominent focus at the tumor location in segment VII (arrow); (E) Post-treatment PET/CT scan shows 90Y activity in the posterior right hepatic lobe, with the most intense area accumulating in segment VII, consistent with the location of the tumor (arrow); (F) Follow-up CT scan performed 6 months after treatment shows shrinkage of the treated lesion, now measuring 2 cm, without evidence of viable tumor. CT: Computed tomography; MAA: macroaggregated albumin; SPECT: single-photon emission CT; PET: positron emission tomography; 90Y: yttrium-90.