
Figure 1. A 70-year-old male with hepatitis C cirrhosis presenting with two new lesions. Segment 4a LR 5 and Seg 8 LR-M biopsy proven HCC (A). Multidisciplinary decision was made to treat both lesions with SBRT. 3 months post SBRT, the lesion in segment 4a demonstrates persistent mass-like intralesional enhancement (B) and is stable in size, with residual T2 hyperintense signal (C) and restricted diffusion (D), LR-TR Nonprogressing. The lesion in segment 8 demonstrates irregular peripheral rim enhancement with central necrosis and is smaller in size (B), with residual T2 hyperintense signal (C) and restricted diffusion (D), LR-TR Nonprogressing. Note the surrounding parenchymal arterial phase hyperenhancement secondary to radiation changes in the radiation field. No further treatment is required and the patient should return for 3-month follow-up imaging. HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma;