
Figure 2. (A and B) The tumor outlined in green straddles segment 4 and segments 5/8. This patient has a dominant dorsal segment 5/8 of 512 mL and a smaller ventral segment 5/8 of 178 mL. In order to preserve volumetry, a central hepatectomy sparing dorsal segment 5/8 is performed. 27.2% of the liver is spared; (C) This demonstrates the clamping of the inflow pedicle of the ventral segment 5/8 pedicle. The ischemic line is then visualized on the surface of the liver and the pedicle is thereafter ligated definitively, followed by systemic intra-venous ICG administration; (D) The negatively staining ICG on the liver capsule along the lateral border of ventral segment 5/8 correlates well with the simulated boundary obtained by the 3D reconstruction in (B). As is often noted, the anatomical boundary is not a linear line. The cut line is marked with diathermy, respecting the true anatomical boundary to guide dissection in the anatomical plane. # Seg 4: 166 mL (8.8%); # Dorsal anterior section: 512 mL (27.2%); # Ventral anterior section: 178 mL (9.4%). ICG: Indocyanine green; 3D: 3-dimensional.