
Figure 4. Effects of MM treatment on cellular behaviors of SNU-449 cells. (A) Proliferation assay of SNU-449 cells treated with either control condition or MM for indicated time points. XTT proliferation assay was performed in quintuplicate and data were depicted as mean ± standard deviation; (B) Cell cycle analysis of SNU-449 cells treated with either control condition or metabolic medium (MM) for 48 h. (Top) Representative PI cell cycle histogram graphs of triplicate samples showing similar results. (Bottom) Percentage of cells in each cell cycle phase determined by PI intensity indicating the DNA content of SNU-449 cells at 48 h post control or MM treatment; (C-F) Motility (C and D) and spheroid formation (E and F) analysis of MM and control SNU-449 cells. The significance of differences between groups in (A) and (B) was analyzed by Two-way ANOVA test and in (D) and (F) by unpaired t-test. (ns: non-significant,