
Figure 3. Hemangioma. 39-year-old asymptomatic female with an incidentally discovered liver mass during an US examination for unrelated reasons. A greyscale image shows a focal slightly hypoechoic mass with a thin echogenic rim. It is suggestive of an atypical hemangioma (A); an early AP image, at 35 s, shows a rim of peripheral enhancement with tiny peripheral puddles (B); there is centripetal progression by 45 s with no linear vascularity (C); by 1 min, there is further centripetal progression with eccentric growth of the peripheral puddles of enhancement (D); by 2 min, there is virtually complete fill in with non-uniform enhancement (E); there is sustained enhancement to 4 min. Peripheral nodular enhancement with sustained enhancement is the classic description of an insignificant hemangioma. Hemangiomas may fill very rapidly, within seconds, or very slowly as here, over several minutes (F)