
Figure 1. Overall survival (OS) of the whole patient population and survival according to risk factors. (A) Median OS for sorafenib treated patients was 8.5 months; (B) presence of macroscopic neoplastic vascular invasion of the portal venous system, present in 56% of subjects, was a strong negative predictor on survival, with a median OS of 5.5 vs. 12 months observed in patients without neoplastic thrombosis; (C) a duration of sorafenib treatment beyond median time of 2.5 months positively influenced outcome (median OS 11 vs. 3.5 months); (D) analysis of radiological response rate at 8 weeks of treatment showed a significant impact on survival: median OS was 12.5 months in subjects with stable disease or partial response and 9.5 months in progressive disease patients; (E) dose reduction showed a benefit on survival (median OS 11 vs. 5 months); (F) sorafenib daily dose below median (800 mg) was associated with better survival (median OS 10.5 vs. 6 months)