
Figure 2. Model of EGR1 function in metabolic diseases and liver diseases. EGR1 is induced in response to various stimuli such as growth factors, stress, and insulin signal. EGR1 regulates a wide array of transcriptional targets involved in multiple biological functions related to lipid and glucose metabolism. In particular, increase of EGR1 in adipose tissue is associated with insulin resistance and obesity. In the liver, dysregulation of EGR1 is associated with liver steatosis. EGR1 promotes acute acetaminophen (APAP)-induced liver injury while attenuates chronic APAP-induced liver fibrosis. EGR1 is important for liver regeneration as it promotes cell-cycle entry and progression, as well as stimulates production of cytokines required for tissue repair. Finally, dysregulation of EGR1 associates with HCC development. EGR1 regulates HCC tumor growth and apoptosis, and is involved in hypoxia-induced drug resistance. EGR1: early growth response 1; HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma