
Figure 1. Effect of aqueous extract of Bombax ceiba on histopathology of liver. Histological sections of liver stained with Masson's trichrome stain from olive oil treated control rats (A) shows normal hepatic architecture with central canal having radiating hepatocytes. Minimal amount of collagen tissue (arrow) stained blue with Masson's stain in the portal triad. Liver section from CCl4 treated rats (B) that received vehicle showed hepatocellular degeneration with moderate amount of collagen tissue (arrow) stained blue with Masson's stain in the portal triad. Section of liver of CCl4 treated rat which concurrently received silymarin (C) and the aqueous extract of flowers of Bombax ceiba (500 mg/kg) (D) respectively, shows lesser amount of collagen and was comparable to control (A), showing minimal amount of collagen tissue (arrow) stained blue with Masson's stain in the portal triad