
Figure 2. RAPD profi les of genomic DNA from cell line of rat, hepatoma (H4IIE-luc) cells, following exposure to FB1 and/or AFB1 for various time periods. (a) PCR products with primer OPD 07. (b) PCR products with primer OPD 09. Lane 1: the DNA marker (100 pb); lane 2: cells only; lane 3: cells plus FB1 (1 μmol/L); lane 4: cells plus FB1 (200 μmol/L); lane 5: cells plus AFB1 (0.25 μmol/L); lane 6: cells plus AFB1 (50 μmol/L); lane 7: cells plus mixture (1 μmol/L FB1 + 0.25 μmol/L AFB1); lane 8: cells plus mixture (200 μmol/L FB1 + 50 μmol/L AFB1); lane 9: cells plus C. olitorius (40 μg/mL); lane 10: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus FB1 (1 μmol/L); lane 11: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus FB1 (200 μmol/L); lane 12: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus AFB1 (0.25 μmol/L); lane 13: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus AFB1 (50 μmol/L); lane 14: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus (1 μmol/L FB1 + 0.25 μmol/L AFB1); and lane 15: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus (200 μmol/L FB1 + 50 μmol/L AFB1). (c) PCR products with primer OPD 13. (d) PCR products with primer OPD 16. Lane 1: DNA marker (100 pb); lane 2: cells only; lane 3: cells plus FB1 (1 μmol/L); lane 4: cells plus AFB1 (0.25 μmol/L); lane 5: cells plus mixture (1 μmol/L FB1 and 0.25 μmol/L AFB1); lane 6: cells plus C. olitorius (40 μg/mL); lane 7: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus FB1 (1 μmol/L); lane 8: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus AFB1 (0.25 μmol/L); and lane 9: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus mixture (1 μmol/L FB1 and 0.25 μmol/L AFB1). (e) PCR products with primer OPD 16. Lane 1 and 10: DNA marker (100 pb); lane 2: cells only; lane 3: cells plus FB1 (200 μmol/L); lane 4: cells plus AFB1 (50 μmol/L); lane 5: cells plus mixture (200 μmol/L FB1 and 50 μmol/L AFB1); lane 6: cells plus C. olitorius (40 μg/mL); lane 7: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus FB1 (200 μmol/L); lane 8: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus AFB1 (50 μmol/L); and lane 9: C. olitorius (40 μg/mL) plus mixture (200 μmol/L FB1 and 50 μmol/L AFB1). AFB1: aflatoxin B1; FB1: fumonisin B1; C. olitorius: Cochorus olitorius; RAPD: random amplifi cation of polymorphic DNA; PCR: polymerase chain reaction. (a) OPD 07 for lesser (24 h) exposure; (b) OPD 09 for greater (48 h) exposure; (c) OPD 13 for greater (48 h) exposure; (d) OPD 16 for lesser (24 h) exposure; (e) OPD 16 for greater (48 h) exposure