Figure 1. Illustration of the RAS. The ACE/Ang II/AT1R axis and the ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/MasR axis represent the two most prominent and physiologically relevant pathways within the RAS. The delicate balance between the two axes is a key determinant of cardiovascular function and the regulation of inflammation and oxidative stress. ↑: To increase; RAS: renin-angiotensin system; ACE: angiotensin converting enzyme; Ang II: angiotensin II; ACE2: angiotensin converting enzyme 2; Ang: angiotensin; MasR: Mas receptor; APA: aminopeptidase; NEP: neprilysin; AT1R: Ang II type 1 receptor; AT2R: Ang II type 2 receptor; Mas: Ang-(1–7) receptor. Picture adapted from ref.[8]. In addition, we have made modifications and additions to the picture. Therefore, this picture does not involve any copyright issues.