
Figure 2. (A) The targeted self-synergetic phototherapy process of the nanoplatform as prepared based on the temperature-dependent CAT-like behavior; (B) photothermal curves of BPNS, SMFN and BPNS@SMFN dispersion under 808 nm laser irradiation; (C) Time-dependent absorbance values at 415 nm of the different samples after mixing with DPBF; (D) In vitro cell viabilities of HeLa cells after different treatments with nanomaterials as-synthesized; (E) oxygen generation curves of three materials (SMFN, BPNS, BPNS@SMFN) at different pH (pH 6.5 and 7.4) over time; (F) the oxygen generation curves of different materials under different treatment mixed with fixed H2O2 concentration (500 × 10-3 m) over time tumor volumes variation in different treatment groups with time. Reprinted from ref.[71] with permission. **P < 0.01, Copyright 2022, Wiley-VCH.