Figure 2. Patient with T3N1M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx. CT-scan showing primary tumor (long arrow) and small metastatic node (short arrow) (A). FDG-PET/CT scan showing high FDG-uptake in the primary tumor and moderate uptake in the lymph node indicating low tumor load in this node (B). Conventional radiotherapy dosing; 70 Gy to primary tumor and metastatic node and 50 Gy to elective lymph node regions (C). Gradient radiotherapy dosing; dose escalation (76 Gy) to gross tumor with high FDG-uptake in primary location, 70 Gy to peripheral zone, intermediate dose (60 Gy) to low volume tumor deposit with intermediate FDG-uptake (arrow), and low dose (36-40 Gy) to elective lymph node regions (D). Reprinted from Kaanders et al.[34], with permission from Elsevier. FDG-PET: Fluor-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography.