
Figure 1. RANBP9 and the CTLH complex. A: RANBP9 is 729 amino acid protein that bears 5 regions/domains that are known to be instrumental for protein-protein interactions; B: the CTLH complex is an evolutionarily conserved E3 ligase multi-subunit structure equivalent of the GID complex in yeast. In its known configuration, the CTLH complex is a heterodecameric structure with a “core” made of a GID8 dimer, RANBP9, and ARMC8 (based on Liu et al.[93]). Due to the similarities with RANBP9, it is likely that RANBP10 is also a core component. GID4 is a “peripheral” component recognized to act as substrate receptor. Other peripheral CTLH members are MKLN1, WDR26, and YPEL5, whose functions and placement within the structure are not well defined. For more detailed info about the CTLH complex and its members in cancer please refer to Huffman et al.[34]. RANBP9: RAN binding protein 9; CTLH: C-terminal to LisH domain