
Electrolyte disorders in cancer patients: a systematic review

Figure 7. Algorithm of hypomagnesemia management[48,159-162]. The treatment of hypomagnesemia is based on the correction of the underlying cause and the integration of magnesium, which can be oral or intravenous based on the degree and symptoms reported. The differential diagnosis of hypomagnesemia is based on fractional excretion of magnesium: if it is > 2%, it might indicate renal loss, while, if it is < 2%, hypomagnesemia might depend on gastrointestinal losses or reduced intake . FE Mg: fractional excretion of magnesium; U Ca/Cr: urinary calcium/creatinine ratio

Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment
ISSN 2454-2857 (Online) 2394-4722 (Print)


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