
Photodynamic therapy in cancer treatment - an update review

Figure 2. Mechanisms of photo-induced membrane damage. This graphical sketch represents how Type I and Type II photochemical reactions contribute to membrane leakage through lipid damage. Type I reactions lead to changes in membrane fluidity which occur as a result of direct-contact reactions between the PS triplet [PS (T1)] and either the lipid double bond of LH or the LOOH. Type II reactions [PS (T1) and molecular oxygen (3O2)] generates singlet oxygen (1O2) which leads to the formation of hydroperoxide (LOOH) as primary product. Modified from[18]. R•: generic radical species; LH: non-oxidized lipid; L•, LOO•, LO•: lipid carbon-centered, peroxyl and alkoxyl radicals; LOOH, LOH, LO, LO*: lipid hydroperoxide, alcohol, ketone and excited state ketone

Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment
ISSN 2454-2857 (Online) 2394-4722 (Print)


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