Figure 1. The centrosome duplication cycle. The mother centriole (MC) is depicted with blue triangles that represent the distal and sub-distal appendages to differentiate it from the daughter centriole (DC). In the G1 phase, the two centrioles are connected by a proteinaceous linker. The G1/S transition phase is characterized by the procentriole assembly, and some of the key proteins involved in this process are mentioned. In this stage, the DC starts to acquire the appendages that the MC has. During the S phase, the microtubules are synthesized, and rearrangement will occur to fully generate the procentriole. Till the G2 phase, the proteinaceous linker is broken, and the DC already has the distal and sub-distal appendages. This will convert DC into MC, and two pairs of centrioles will be formed. In the G2/M transition phase centrosome disjunction, separation, and maturation take place. Some key regulators have been listed above. During the M phase, the separated centrioles participate in bipolar spindle mitosis, and the centrosome cycle is completed when each daughter cell inherits two centrioles