
Example 7. This is a 40-year-old female with a history of invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast who underwent right skin-sparing mastectomy with immediate breast reconstruction with a tissue expander. Four months later, she completed adjuvant right breast radiation therapy. Eight months after the completion of adjuvant radiation therapy, she underwent separated stacked DIEP flap reconstruction. Six months later, she underwent revision of the right breast reconstruction with removal of the flap skin paddles and mastopexy, as well as balancing mastopexy on the contralateral left side and bilateral fat grafting. Top Row: Preoperative photos. Middle Row: Postoperative photos following the stacked DIEP flap reconstruction of the right breast. Bottom Row: Postoperative photos following revision of the stacked DIEP flap reconstruction of the right breast and balancing left mastopexy. DIEP: Deep inferior epigastric perforator.