
Figure 8. Reactivation of miniaturizing follicles and slow growth with minoxidil 5%: The role of hair dye for improved imaging. Panels a and b show surface views of the engrafted hair follicles: without a hair dye (A) and after dye (B). The tattoo on the left (closer to the elbow) relates to “no hair growth” after LASER-attempt of transfection. The two hair-producing follicles are highlighted by rings. The ring in the center opens upward, drawing attention to the exit point of a longer hair in the proximal graft, while the ring opening downward points to a shorter hair in the distal follicle. A hair dye session on August 9, 2024, underpinned again the benefits of Contrast-Enhancement procedure: the very fine, barely visible tips of the hairs in panel a are much more clearly visible after hair dying (B). The improved visibility of the hair length and diameter in panel b further details the exit points from the grafted follicles (blue or red triangles) and hair length (blue or red curved lines along the hair fibers). Diameter and length estimates were confirmed through light microscopy on plucked fibers. Daily growth rates of 116 and 87 µm were recorded for the proximal and distal grafts, respectively, based on measurements of two plucked, un-clipped hairs.