
Figure 6. Axial view of the standardized X-values of the 3D nasal dorsum in comparison to the normative mean (transverse direction): (top) pre-surgery; and (bottom) post-surgery. Grey indicates the averaged face of the Control group (female; n = 100). Red, pink, light yellow, and deep yellow represent the point clouds located outwards when compared with the normative mean; light blue, deep blue, grey, and black indicate the points located inwards (close to the medial line). Green represents the range within ±1 SD. Before treatment, the right nasal base was deviated to the right side by more than 6 SD before and after treatment. The left nasal base was also deviated to the left side by more than 5 SD before and after treatment. These results indicate that the width of the nose was greater in comparison to the normative range, which was not corrected, even after bimaxillary surgery