
Figure 1. Late postoperative period significant findings (all P < 0.05). Statistically significant differences during the late postoperative period between the modified Robertson and Wise pattern cohorts. Y-axis displays units in cm, cm2, and %, depending on the variable. X-axis displays the name of the variable presented with the units in parenthesis. ROB cohort is represented by blue bars and WISE cohort is represented by red bars. Error bars show standard error. Nipple to inframammary fold distance (NIPtoIMF) was greater in the ROB cohort than the WISE cohort. Internipple distance (NIPtoNIP) was greater in the ROB cohort than the WISE cohort. Maximum breast projection (MaxProj) was greater in the WISE cohort than the ROB cohort. Areola surface area (AreolaSA) was greater in the ROB cohort than the WISE cohort. % volume in the superior pole (SupPole%) was greater in the ROB cohort than the WISE cohort. % volume in the medial pole (MedPole%) was greater in the WISE cohort than the ROB cohort