
Figure 3. (Ai) ArteFill® composed of 20% PMMA microsphere (30-50 μm) and 80% denatured bovine collagen; (Aii) tissue growth stimulated due to collagen maintaining the viscosity of microspheres; (Aiii) the presence of blood vessels is observed and bovine collagen has been replaced with autologous connective tissue; (Bi) histological image of ArteFill® at month 3: capillaries are present in the implant and have been integrated into the patient's body (X40); (Bii) histological image taken 10 years after implantation of Artecoll®: connective tissues are mature, characterized by active fibroblasts, microsphere encapsulation, ingrown capillaries, and an absence of immune reaction (X40). Image modified with permission.[35]