Prof. Leandros Maglaras
School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Topic: Introduction – A brief overview to ICS cybersecurity issues
Topic: Introduction – A brief overview to ICS cybersecurity issues
Leandros Maglaras is a Professor of cybersecurity in the School of Computer Science and Informatics of De Montfort University conducting research in the Cyber Security Centre & Software Technology Research Laboratory. Prof. Maglaras was the Director of the Cyber Security Directorate and Head of the National Cyber Security Authority of Greece, leading a group of highly skilled professionals in order to organize public sector in Greece in terms of cyber security of systems and applications. He has participated in various research programs investigating vehicular and ICT technologies (C4C-project.eu, reduction-project.eu), sustainable development (islepact.eu, smilegov), cyber security (HCYMAF [NCSC UK], CONCORDIA [H2020], COCKPITCI [FP7], FASTPASS [FP7]) and optimization and prediction of the dielectric behavior of air gaps. Prof. Maglaras’s research interests are cyber security, privacy preservation, risk management, routing protocols, vehicular networks, and social network analysis.
Prof. Helge Janicke
School of science, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.
Topic: Introduction – A brief overview to ICS cybersecurity issues
Topic: Introduction – A brief overview to ICS cybersecurity issues
Helge Janicke is the Research Director of the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre, Australia. He is affiliated with Edith Cowan University and holds a visiting Professorship in Cyber Security at De Montfort University, UK. Prof. Janicke established DMU’s Cyber Technology Institute and its Airbus Centre of Excellence in SCADA Cyber Security and Forensics Research. He has been the Head of School of Computer Science at De Montfort University UK, before taking up his current position as Research Director for the Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre. Prof. Janicke’s research interests are in the area of cyber security, in particular with applications in critical infrastructures using cyber-physical systems, SCADA and Industrial Control Systems.
Prof. Dimitrios Serpanos
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.
Topic: Synthesis of runtime monitors for safe and secure industrial systems
Topic: Synthesis of runtime monitors for safe and secure industrial systems
Mr. Joe. Weiss
Applied Control Systems, LLC, Cupertino, California, USA.
Topic: Control system field devices affect cyber security, process safety, and productivity yet have no cyber security
Topic: Control system field devices affect cyber security, process safety, and productivity yet have no cyber security
Prof. Tiago Cruz
Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
Topic: Down the rabbit hole: Fostering active learning through guided exploration of a SCADA cyber range
Prof. Richard Smith
School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
Topic: The agile incident response for industrial control systems (AIR4ICS) framework
Topic: The agile incident response for industrial control systems (AIR4ICS) framework
Prof. Thomas Brandstetter
Limes Security/FH St. Pölten, Hagenberg, Austria.
Topic: Incident response in building automation systems
Topic: Incident response in building automation systems
- Time(UK)
- Speakers
- Topics
- 13:00 - 13:10
- Prof. Helge Janicke; Prof. Leandros Maglaras
- Introduction – A brief overview to ICS cybersecurity issues
- 13:10 - 13:30
- Prof. Dimitrios Sepranos
- Synthesis of runtime monitors for safe and secure industrial systems
- 13:30 - 13:50
- Prof. Tiago Cruz
- Down the rabbit hole: Fostering active learning through guided exploration of a SCADA cyber range
- 13:50 - 14:10
- Prof. Richard Smith
- The agile incident response for industrial control systems (AIR4ICS) framework
- 14:10 - 14:30
- Prof. Thomas Brandstetter
- Incident response in building automation systems
- 14:30 - 14:50
- Mr. Joe. Weiss
- Control system field devices affect cyber security, process safety, and productivity yet have no cyber security
- 14:50 - 15:00
- All
- Discussion and Summary

Prof. Tiago Cruz
Topic: Down the rabbit hole: Fostering active learning through guided exploration of a SCADA cyber range

Prof. Dimitrios Sepranos
Topic: Synthesis of runtime monitors for safe and secure industrial systems

Prof. Richard Smith
Topic: The agile incident response for industrial control systems (AIR4ICS) framework

Prof. Thomas Brandstetter
Topic: Incident response in building automation systems

Mr. Joe. Weiss
Topic: Control system field devices affect cyber security, process safety, and productivity yet have no cyber security

Summary and Discussion