Editorial Board Member

Nicola Ferri
Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
Nicola Ferri is Associate Professor in Pharmacology at the University of Padua in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences. He growth as Scientist at the University of Milan at the Department of Pharmacology and in the United States (from 1999 until 2003) joining the Laboratory of Prof. Russell Ross in Seattle. His main scientific interest is focused on drugs affecting lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. He received several honors, among all the award “Giovani Ricercatori” by Italian Society for the study of atherosclerosis (SISA). He is elected in the organizing committee of the European Lipoprotein Club meeting (from 2017 until 2011) and of SISA Veneto section (from 2018-2022). He is authors of more than 120 peer-review manuscripts.
Research Interests:
Cardiovascular diseases, hypercholesterolemia, smooth muscle, cholesterol, lipoproteins, statins.
Vessel Plus
ISSN 2574-1209 (Online)
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