Special Issue
Topic: Advancements in Modeling of Seismic Hazards and Resilient Structures
A Special Issue of Disaster Prevention and Resilience
ISSN 2832-4056 (Online)
Submission deadline: 30 Sep 2025
Guest Editors
Rui Pang
Department of hydraulic engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning, Dalian, China.
Dr. Shuling Hu
Department of Architecture and Architectural Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.
Special Issue Introduction
Dear Colleagues,
Given the vital role in the modern community and city, civil infrastructures should possess the capacity to resist disasters and timely recovery from the natural or human-made catastrophes, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, fires, blasts, etc. Developing resilient civil infrastructure has garnered significant research attention over the last decade. Despite substantial advances in recent years, challenges persist in devising more effective methodologies for quantifying and enhancing the resilience of civil infrastructures against multiple disasters at various stages, covering from the theoretical (e.g., mechanical principle, interaction effect), technological (e.g., material properties, system innovation) to decision-making aspects (e.g., assessment strategy, decision-making processes). Addressing these obstacles requires further efforts in a more comprehensive perspective and intervention planning with greater depth. Therefore, this topic seeks to contribute to the resilient civil infrastructure through enhanced scientific and multi-disciplinary works, improving knowledge and performance in this critical area. The potential topics include but are not limited to:
● Advanced approaches for hazard modeling;
● Methodology for resilience assessment and quantification;
● Probabilistic theory and method for resilient infrastructure;
● Resilient construction materials;
● Innovative resilient structures;
● Multiple-hazard effects on resilience;
● Resilient community and smart city;
● Structural resilience and service life extension;
● Design optimization for resilient structure;
● Resilient management and performance improvement;
● Interaction between hazards and resilient structures.
Given the vital role in the modern community and city, civil infrastructures should possess the capacity to resist disasters and timely recovery from the natural or human-made catastrophes, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, fires, blasts, etc. Developing resilient civil infrastructure has garnered significant research attention over the last decade. Despite substantial advances in recent years, challenges persist in devising more effective methodologies for quantifying and enhancing the resilience of civil infrastructures against multiple disasters at various stages, covering from the theoretical (e.g., mechanical principle, interaction effect), technological (e.g., material properties, system innovation) to decision-making aspects (e.g., assessment strategy, decision-making processes). Addressing these obstacles requires further efforts in a more comprehensive perspective and intervention planning with greater depth. Therefore, this topic seeks to contribute to the resilient civil infrastructure through enhanced scientific and multi-disciplinary works, improving knowledge and performance in this critical area. The potential topics include but are not limited to:
● Advanced approaches for hazard modeling;
● Methodology for resilience assessment and quantification;
● Probabilistic theory and method for resilient infrastructure;
● Resilient construction materials;
● Innovative resilient structures;
● Multiple-hazard effects on resilience;
● Resilient community and smart city;
● Structural resilience and service life extension;
● Design optimization for resilient structure;
● Resilient management and performance improvement;
● Interaction between hazards and resilient structures.
Hazard modeling approach, multi-hazard coupling influence, life-cycle hazard resilience, resilience assessment and enhancement, resilience under multiple hazards, innovative resilient structures, resilient community and city, service life resilience evaluation, resilient probabilistic theory, resilient assessment approach, interaction between hazard and structure
Submission Deadline
30 Sep 2025
Submission Information
For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/dpr/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=dpr&IssueId=dpr2509301997
Submission Deadline: 30 Sep 2025
Contacts: Siqing Hu, Managing Editor, editorialoffice@dprjournal.com
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