Associate Editor

Ding Wang
College of Cyber Science, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
Ding Wang received his Ph.D. degree in Information Security at Peking University in 2017. He is currently supported by the ``Boya Postdoctoral Fellowship'' in Peking University. His research interests focus on password, authentication and provable security. As the first author (or corresponding author), he has published more than 50 papers at venues like ACM CCS, NDSS, Usenix Security, DSN, ESORICS, IEEE TDSC and IEEE TIFS. Seven of them are recognized as ``ESI highly cited papers''. His research has been reported by over 200 medias like Daily Mail, Forbes and ACM TechNews, appeared in the Elsevier 2017 "Article Selection Celebrating Computer Science Research in China", and resulted in the revision of the authentication guideline NIST SP800-63-2. He has been involved in the community as a TPC member for over 40 international conferences such as ISC、SEC、ACISP、CANS、TrustCom、ICPADS and GlobeCom. He has received the CCF Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award and the ACM China Doctoral Dissertation Award, the Best Paper Award at INSCRYPT 2018, and the First Prize of Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education.
Research Interests:
Cryptographic protocols, Password security, Multi-factor authentication
Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety
ISSN 2694-1015 (Online)
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