
Electroencephalogram (EEG) network-level excitation-inhibition in <i>GRIN2B</i>-related neurodevelopmental disorders: a pilot case-control series

Figure 3. Relative power in source space in the range of 1-45 Hz. (A) shows relative power as proportion in regions on source level per 11 bins. Power was averaged across 68 patches of the Desikan Atlas and plotted for 6 regions. Red color shows significant regions for the GRIB patients while blue indicates significant regions for the TDC group. Grey areas show no significant results. Bootstrapping analyses were FDR corrected with 0.05. (B) shows an overview of region names. (C) shows the individual values of significant regions in source space per bin. Orange boxplots represent the GRIN2B patients, while black boxplots represent the TDC group with Δ indicating the average group difference with the P value of the significant regions. Relative power in the lowest bin 1-4 Hz shows whole brain activities most pronounced in the GRIN2B patients while the opposite was found for subsequent bins: Higher power were found for the TDC group for 4.0-27.64 Hz. Whole brain activities were shown from 4.0-6.49 Hz followed by left and right frontal and parietal lobes, left temporal and occipital lobe.

Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
ISSN 2771-2893 (Online)
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