1. Kleinmann B, Skousen J, Wildeman T, Hedin B, Nairn B, Gusek J. The early development of passive treatment systems for mining-influenced water: a North American perspective. Mine Water Environ 2021;40:818-30.

2. Interstate Technology Regulatory Council. Biochemical reactors for treating mining influenced water. 2013. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

3. Gusek J, Wildeman T. Why do some passive treatment systems fail while others work? [Presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 2002]. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

4. Gusek J. Sulfate-reducing bioreactor design and operating issues: is this the passive treatment technology for your mine drainage? (Presented at the National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs, Park City, UT. September 15-18, 2002). Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

5. Tebo BM, Bargar JR, Clement BG, et al. Biogenic manganese oxides: properties and mechanisms of formation. Annu Rev Earth Planet Sci 2004;32:287-328.

6. Gusek J, Josselyn L, Wolaver E. Advancements in iron terrace design for metal mine sites. (Presented at the 2017 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, What’s Next for Reclamation? 2017). Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

7. Reisman DJ, Gusek JJ, Bishop M. A pre-treatability study to provide data for construction of a demonstration bioreactor. In: International Conference on tailings and mine waste; 2003 Oct 12-15; Vail, CO, USA. 2003. pp. 304-15. Available from: [Last accessed on 29 Jan 2024]

8. Wildeman T, Brodie G, Gusek J. Wetland design for mining operations. Bi-Tech; 1993. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

9. Anaerobic compost constructed wetlands system (CWS) technology. 2002. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

10. Arthur AW. Vertical flow systems - effects of time and acidity relations. 2004. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024]

11. Wildeman T, Cevaal J, Whiting K, Gusek J, Scheuering J. Laboratory and pilot-scale studies on the treatment of acid rock drainage at a closed gold-mining operation in California. 1994. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024]

12. Gusek JJ. Three case histories of passive treatment of metal mine drainage. 1998. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

13. Gusek J, Wildeman T, Miller A, Fricke J. The challenges of designing, permitting and building a 1,200 GPM passive bioreactor for metal mine drainage, West Fork Mine, Missouri. 1998. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024]

14. Gusek J, Wildeman T, Mann C, Murphy D. Operational results of a 1,200-gpm passive bioreactor for metal mine drainage, West Fork, Missouri. 2000.

15. Cobbett CS. Phytochelatins and their roles in heavy metal detoxification. Plant Physiol 2000;123:825-32.

16. Reisinger RW, Gusek J. Mitigation of water contamination at the historic Ferris-Haggarty Mine, Wyoming. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

17. Thomas RC, Romanek CS. Passive treatment of low-pH, ferric iron-dominated acid rock drainage in a vertical flow wetland II: metal removal. 2002. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024]

18. Eppley RL. Sulfate reducing bioreactor treating acidic coal mine influenced water (MIW) in Western Pennsylvania. 2010. Available from: [Last accessed on 29 Jan 2024]

19. Gusek JJ. Design challenges for large scale sulfate reducing bioreactors. In: Calabrese EJ, Kostecki PT, Dragun J, editors. Contaminated soils, sediments and water. Boston, MA, USA: Springer; 2005.

20. Gusek JJ. Bench and pilot scale test results passive treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD) at the Fran Coal Mine, PA. 2004. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

21. Gusek J, Wildeman TR. Passive treatment of aluminum-bearing acid rock drainage. 2002. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

22. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Active and Abandoned Mine Operations. Fran Contracting Camp Run No. 2 Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Project Contract No. AMD 18(0817)103.1. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

23. Reisman D, Gusek J, Torgerson D, Bishop M. Case studies demonstration sulfate reducing bioreactors at the Luttrell Repository & Peerless Jennie King Mine 10-Mile Superfund Site, Montana. In: EPA Hardrock Conference in Phoenix AZ in 2006.

24. Gusek J, Shipley B, Lindsay D. Overcoming access issues at a remote passive treatment site near Lake Shasta, CA. 2005. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024]

25. Gusek J, Kelsey J, Schipper R, Shipley B. Biochemical reactor construction and mine pool chemistry changes, Golinsky Mine, CA. 2011. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024].

26. Gusek JJ, Wildeman TR, Jaško V. Bench-scale passive treatment of heavy metals, Smolnik Mine, Slovakia. 2000. Available from: [Last accessed on 24 Jan 2024]

Minerals and Mineral Materials
ISSN 2832-269X (Online)


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