
Preparation and application of 0D, 2D and 3D molybdenite: a review

Figure 9. Digital image of MoS2, surfactant solutions before and after sonication and the zeta potential distribution of as-prepared MoS2-CTAB and MoS2-SDS dispersions (A1). Tapping-mode AFM images (the height profiles of the sheets along the blue line marked on the images are indicated in white), electron microscope images (inset: selected area diffraction pattern) and TEM and HRTEM images of MoS2-CTAB (A2-5)[55]. AFM images of platelets exfoliated in water with Tween 80 and deposited onto mica substrates: h-BN (B1); MoS2 (B2); WS2 (B3). Histogram of thickness distribution of the sample in the corresponding AFM image: h-BN (B4); MoS2 (B5); WS2 (B6)[56].

Minerals and Mineral Materials
ISSN 2832-269X (Online)


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