
Figure 4. Specificity of LAMP-1-GFP transfection in FD podocytes. (A) Visualization of LAMP-1-GFP transfection alongside LysoTracker Red staining in FD podocytes after 20 days of differentiation, showing colocalization in lysosomal compartments. (B) Colocalization of LAMP-1-GFP and Rab7a-RFP transfection constructs in FD podocytes, highlighting lysosomal and late endosomal compartments. (C) Representative images showing LAMP-1-GFP transfection alongside immunofluorescence staining for LAMP-2 FD podocytes. Note that the images in (C) represent two different cells; hence, no colocalization was possible. Scale bars represent 50 µm. GFP: Green fluorescent protein; LAMP-1: lysosome-associated membrane protein-1; LAMP-2: lysosome-associated membrane protein-2; RFP: red fluorescent protein.